While concerns about this highly-infectious disease have resurfaced, there’s a lot of misinformation when it comes to the virus. Here are 10 essential facts about Ebola:

1. Scientists Believe Ebola Starts in Animals and Spreads to Humans

While the exact cause of Ebola isn’t known, experts believe the virus is animal-borne, with fruit bats being the suspected hosts. Bats that carry the virus can transmit it to other animals. (2) Ebola is introduced to humans through close contact with the blood, secretions, or organs of infected animals, such as fruit bats, gorillas, chimpanzees, monkeys, forest antelope, or porcupines. Humans can also contract Ebola by eating or handling infected bushmeat — the meat of wild animals. (3)

2. You Can Catch Ebola Through Contact With Body Fluids — and Even Dead Bodies!

Once Ebola reaches the human population, it spreads via direct contact with the bodily fluids of an infected person. When someone touches these secretions, the virus can gain entry through broken skin or mucous membranes in the eyes, nose, or mouth. It can be passed on through sexual contact and needle-sharing. Surfaces, materials, and objects may also harbor Ebola. Direct contact with a deceased body of someone who had Ebola is another way to contract the disease. People remain contagious as long as their blood contains the virus. (2,3)

3. The Worst Ebola Outbreak Occurred in 2014–2016

The 2014–2016 Ebola outbreak in West Africa was responsible for more than 28,600 infections and 11,325 deaths. To date, it’s the deadliest Ebola epidemic. The Zaire strain of the virus was the culprit. (4) Experts believe many factors contributed to the severity of this outbreak, including a shortage of medical professionals, a lack of preparation, and a delay in efforts to control the spread of the virus. Additionally, the region was recovering from years of civil war. (5)

4. The Second-Worst Outbreak Is Happening Now

The 2018 outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo is considered the second deadliest. This is the Congo’s 10th Ebola epidemic since 1976 — and its second this year. (1) Health officials say trying to contain the virus has been challenging due to ongoing armed conflict in the region and a lack of community engagement. North Kivu province, which includes the cities Beni, Kalunguta, and Mabalako, is the center of the outbreak. Cases have also been reported in the neighboring Ituri province. (6)

5. Early Symptoms of Ebola Mimic Other Illnesses

Early Ebola symptoms include fever, headache, body aches, cough, stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. Because these could be symptoms of other diseases, it’s difficult to diagnose Ebola early on. (7)

6. Ebola Is Not a Risk to the General Public in the United States

You’re not at risk for Ebola unless you’re in direct contact with the blood or other bodily fluids of someone with the virus when they have symptoms, such as fever, vomiting, or cough. New cases come from close contact with an infected person — especially through blood, body fluids, or contaminated needles — late in the disease when viral levels are high. (8)

7. Bleeding Is Common in the Later Stages of Ebola

Later symptoms of Ebola can appear quickly, within a few days after the onset of early symptoms. Due to internal and external bleeding, the patient’s eyes may become red. The person may vomit blood, have bloody diarrhea, and suffer cardiovascular collapse and death. (8)

8. Ebola Is Often Fatal

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the average death rate for Ebola is about 50 percent, but this number can range from 25 to 90 percent, depending on the outbreak. (3) Scientists aren’t exactly sure why some people survive the disease, while others don’t. Early supportive care may be one way to improve your chances of survival.

9. Vaccines Are in the Works and Are Already Being Used

A vaccine called rVSV-ZEBOV has shown promise in clinical trials. Results of one large study showed that of the 5,837 people who received the vaccine, no cases of Ebola were recorded 10 days or longer after vaccination. But 23 Ebola cases were recorded among those who didn’t get the vaccine. (3) The Democratic Republic of Congo is currently offering the vaccine to protect people against the virus. (9)

10. There’s No Cure, but There Are Promising Treatments Being Studied

While there’s no therapy approved to cure Ebola, several experimental options are being studied. Currently, the standard treatment is something called “supportive care.” This involves giving patients extra fluids and oxygen, maintaining blood pressure levels, replacing lost blood, and treating other infections. Using oral medicines to reduce fluid loss from vomiting and diarrhea is crucial. Other therapies are being looked at to help the disease, including blood transfusions from survivors and mechanical filtering of blood from patients. Experimental medicines, such as ZMapp, mAb 114, GS-5734, and REGN-EB3, are also being studied and given to patients affected by the current Congo outbreak. (6,10)