Symptoms of sepsis include a fever, a fast heart rate, and a fast respiratory rate. Sepsis can progress to severe sepsis, at which point you may have dizziness, confusion, and difficulty breathing. If sepsis is left untreated, the next stage is septic shock. “Shock is a state where organs don’t receive the appropriate blood flow to function due to severely low blood pressure,” says Kimberly Brown, MD, MPH, an ER doctor in Memphis, Tennessee. Sepsis can occur after an infection, whether it’s bacterial, viral, or fungal. Common infections that can turn into sepsis include urinary tract infections, pneumonia, abdominal infections, and skin infections. Although sepsis can happen to anyone, people with a weakened immune system are more susceptible. This includes people with chronic illnesses, babies, the elderly, and pregnant women. (2) Treatments for sepsis include medication, intravenous fluids, and sometimes surgery. But even with treatment, complications can occur. These include organ damage, amputation, and post-sepsis symptoms like fatigue and decreased cognitive function. (3) Knowing how to prevent sepsis can help you avoid these life-changing effects. Because sepsis stems from infection, protecting yourself starts with preventing the spread of infections. Here are five approaches to consider:

1. Stay Up to Date With Vaccinations

Sepsis can’t always be prevented, (4) but you can take steps to avoid an infection, which ultimately reduces the risk of sepsis. Bacteria is commonly a cause of sepsis, but viral infections can cause this condition, too. These viruses include chickenpox, influenza, viral meningitis, and viral pneumonia. (5) Because viral infections don’t respond to antibiotics, most viruses must run their course, (5) though sometimes antiviral drugs can help you feel better. If you have a healthy immune system, you may quickly recover from a virus with over-the-counter or prescription medication. But a viral infection can be dangerous when you have a compromised immune system. In this case, your body struggles to get rid of foreign organisms, hence the importance of staying up-to-date on vaccinations. This can protect you from viral infections and help prevent sepsis. “Vaccine recommendations may vary among adults with different medical conditions, but the influenza vaccine and pneumococcal vaccines will reduce the risk of sepsis and are recommended for healthy older adults in general,” says Keith Roach, MD, an internist at NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York City. Pneumococcal vaccine options include 13-valent (PCV13), 23-valent (PPSV23), and 20-valent (PCV20). COVID vaccinations are also recommended. A vaccine helps your body build antibodies against a virus. You then have a lower risk of getting a particular infection because the vaccine fools your body into thinking it’s already been infected with it. As a result, you build immunity to the virus. (4) If you’re at risk for sepsis, talk with your doctor to see which vaccinations are right for you. Even if you’ve previously had a recommended vaccination, you may need a repeated dose. Some vaccinations eventually wear off. (6) If you suspect an infection, don’t attempt to self-treat at home. Some infections require antibiotics, or an antiviral or antifungal when caused by a virus or fungus. (7) Untreated infections can cause your immune system to go into overdrive in an attempt to stop the illness. This triggers widespread inflammation throughout the body, and too much inflammation can lead to blood clots and eventually organ damage or organ failure. (1) Signs of an infection may include a fever and a fast heart rate. You may also experience pain depending on the location of the infection. For example, a urinary tract infection can cause pelvic pain and back pain, whereas an abdominal infection can cause stomach pain.

3. Take Antibiotics as Directed

Not only should you seek treatment for early signs of an infection, but it’s also important to follow your doctor’s recommendation and take any prescribed medication as instructed. Even though any infection can turn into sepsis, this complication often occurs when an infection isn’t treated promptly or properly. This can happen if your doctor gives you antibiotics with instructions to take the medication for 7 to 10 days, but you stop the medication too soon. (8) Some antibiotics work quickly, so you may feel better days before the bacteria is completely gone. (4) It is crucial that you don’t stop a course of antibiotics early. If you don’t finish the full course, you may not completely kill the bacteria. And if you don’t cure the infection, you could experience a recurrent infection, or an existing infection could progress into sepsis. (4) An infection can also turn into sepsis when a prescribed antibiotic is ineffective. Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria changes and begins to resist antibiotics that are normally used to treat them. Because of this widespread problem, more and more antibiotics are becoming less effective against stopping infections. So even if you take an antibiotic, your infection could still progress into sepsis. (8) For this reason, be cognizant of your symptoms. If your doctor prescribes an antibiotic (or any medication) but your symptoms don’t improve or worsen, notify your doctor and ask about an alternative drug to treat the condition. To ensure that a prescribed antibiotic works properly, make sure you follow the instructions and take the medication as directed. This includes storing the antibiotic according to direction. Improper storage can reduce the strength or the effectiveness of the drug. (4) Also, never take someone else’s antibiotic, antifungal, or antiviral medication. This may seem harmless, but different prescriptions have different strengths and dosages. Your doctor knows the dosage you’ll need to completely get rid of an infection. If you take a medication that isn’t strong enough, the infection may remain in your system and advance to sepsis. And taking a dose that’s too strong for you could lead to dangerous side effects.

4. Wash Your Hands and Practice Good Hygiene

Another way to prevent infections and ultimately sepsis is to practice good hygiene. This involves frequently washing your hands to reduce the spread of bacteria, viruses, and fungi, explains Rebecca Park, RN, who is based in New York City and the founder of the natural health resource Remedies For Me. Washing entails more than running water over your hands. You should use warm or hot soapy water, and lather your hands. To thoroughly remove germs and bacteria, rub your hands together vigorously, making sure that the water cleans in between your fingers and underneath nails. (4) As a general rule of thumb, it should take about 15 to 20 seconds to wash your hands the right way. You should wash your hands for as long as it takes to sing the “Happy Birthday” song twice. When you’re finished, rinse and dry with a clean cloth. (4) It’s important that you also teach your children proper hand washing. Along with knowing the right way to wash your hands, increase the frequency of washing. This is important during cold and flu season, and if you have a weaker immune system. (4) Make sure to wash your hands: (4)

Before preparing food or eating a mealAfter using the restroomAfter coughing, sneezing, or blowing your noseAfter contact with pets

You should also develop a routine of washing your hands every time you return home, and after contact with commonly touched surfaces (door handles, light switches, elevator buttons). If you don’t have access to soap and water, use hand sanitizer. (4) “Local wound care starts with cleaning a wound thoroughly, and may include the use of topical antibiotics or antiseptics,” says Dr. Roach. Whether you’re treating your own wound or another person’s wound, wash your hands with soap and water before touching the skin to prevent infections. After cleaning the wound and applying antibiotic cream or antiseptic, cover the skin with gauze. (9) Keep a close eye on the wound until it heals and watch for signs of an infection. Signs may include worsening pain, discharge from the wound, and redness or warmth around the skin. See a doctor if you suspect a skin infection. (9) Skin infections can occur when germs like the staph bacteria, which normally lives on the skin, or the strep bacteria, which is commonly found on the skin or in the throat, enters the body through a cut or other wound. (10)

A Final Word on Sepsis Prevention Advice

Although some cases of sepsis can’t be prevented, stopping the spread of an infection can lower your risk of this condition. Learn how to recognize symptoms of an infection or mild sepsis, and get to the hospital early for fast treatment. By doing so, you can possibly avoid dangerous complications of sepsis like low blood pressure, organ failure, and even death.

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