“It may allow the patient to notice patterns or triggers that lead to worsening symptoms,” says Tamika Webb-Detiege, MD, a rheumatologist at Ochsner Medical Center in New Orleans. “It’ll help the patient communicate with the doctor to come up with solutions together.”

What to Include in a Journal

There are no hard-and-fast rules for keeping a journal, but certain specific data can be beneficial for you and your healthcare provider. Here’s some useful information about your condition to log:

The number of flares you have each dayThe time and circumstances when your flares occurThe severity of your symptoms on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the worstResponse or side effects, if any, related to medicationsPotential symptom triggers

You can also track habits that may relate to your symptoms and flares, such as:

When you exercise and for how longThe foods you eatWhen you go to sleep and wake and how you feel when you get up

A journal is also a convenient way of keeping track of questions that you want to ask your doctor at your next visit. On the other hand, a study published in April 2016 in Health Technology Assessment concluded that there was “little evidence to support [the] therapeutic effectiveness” of writing for people living with chronic conditions. Dr. Webb-Detiege won’t rule out the potential emotional benefits of keeping a journal, however. “I still feel that journaling may be beneficial for some patients,” she says.

Practical Tips for Journaling

Here are some ways to make your journaling experience easier and more useful:

Use an app. If you have trouble writing or typing in your journal, try going high-tech. The Arthritis Foundation has a free app called Track + React that allows you to log your symptoms, flares, and daily activities.Get the right gear. If you’re going to write by hand, choose an arthritis-friendly pen. There are several ergonomic pens available to choose from. A splint can keep your hands and fingers in the proper position and may make journaling more comfortable. Ask your doctor to recommend writing aids.Set a time. To avoid forgetting, try to journal at around the same time each day (unless you are logging symptoms, which you should write down as they occur).Keep your journal with you. Make sure you have your journal handy at all times so you can easily document something when it happens.Take breaks. Journaling shouldn’t feel like a chore. Don’t push yourself if you’re tired.

When you look over your journal entries with your doctor you may spot patterns in your condition that lead to modifications in your treatment. Bernard Ng, a bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery and the rheumatology section head at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle, says, “Keeping a symptom journal can help patients improve their understanding of the disease, which is extremely important in their care.” If it helps you with your emotional process as well, that’s a nice bonus.