As a complication of EoE, dysphagia can be uncomfortable and annoying at best and a potential emergency at worst — if food becomes impacted (stuck) in the esophagus and won’t budge. In that case, medical attention may be in order. But, if you have EoE, there are ways to help prevent dysphagia and the complications it can cause.

How Swallowing Works

To understand how dysphagia occurs, it helps to first understand the process of swallowing. There are three phases: Although dysphagia can be diagnosed when there’s a problem during any phase of swallowing, people with EoE typically experience trouble swallowing after food has been chewed and swallowed and then literally gets stuck in the esophagus due to swelling and inflammation. Even with food impacted (stuck) in your esophagus, you’ll still be able to talk and breathe — in other words, you aren’t choking — and the stuck food can often be coughed up or make its way to the stomach. “If food feels stuck, a few sips of water can usually help get it down, but you shouldn’t try to eat more food until you feel it has completely passed,” says Jeremy Matloff, MD, a gastroenterologist at Yale New Haven Hospital in Connecticut. Don’t try drinking soda or taking Alka-Seltzer to dislodge the food either. If an impaction doesn’t clear within a few minutes or you have chest pain, call your doctor, says Dr. Matloff. You may need to head to the hospital, where you can get medication to relax your esophagus enough to allow the food to finish passing through. If that doesn’t work, you may need an endoscopy, in which a thin, flexible tube is inserted into the throat to remove a food mass. Don’t delay: Waiting just 12 to 24 hours can increase the risk of an esophageal tear.

Tips for Smooth Swallowing

EoE is a chronic condition, which means the risk of dysphagia will always be there. There are a few things you can do to mitigate the risk, though.

Take small bites. This is always wise, whether you have dysphagia or not, as choking is a real concern when you try to bite off more food than you can chew.Take one bite at a time. Chew slowly and thoroughly, and don’t put more food in your mouth until you’ve swallowed. “As a society we are used to eating fast — and on the move — and we often take many bites before we realize the food hasn’t gone down all the way,” says Matloff.Take sips of fluid between bites.Don’t slouch. Sit up straight to eat, even if you’re lounging on the sofa, munching on popcorn. This will keep your esophagus in an appropriate position.

Aside from these measures, the most effective way to prevent dysphagia is to stay on your treatment plan. Once you and your doctor have figured out what triggers your EoE — usually a food is responsible, but sometimes an airborne allergen is involved — do all you can to avoid it. Take your medication as prescribed, don’t miss scheduled appointments with your doctor, and let them know of any changes in your condition or other concerns between appointments.