Leukemia, as well as subsequent chemotherapy, has a distinct effect on dental health, which means that dental hygiene should be a priority when you’re fighting the disease. There are several dental symptoms to look out for when you have leukemia, as well as ways to prevent any problems. How Leukemia Affects Dental Health One of the first signs of leukemia can be gingivitis, or swelling and bleeding gums, says Sol Silverman, Jr., DDS, national spokesman for the American Dental Association and professor of oral medicine at the University of California San Francisco School of Dentistry. When a patient has gingivitis, combined with feeling weak and losing weight for no apparent reason, Dr. Silverman will run blood tests for leukemia. If they come back positive, he’ll refer them to an oncologist for confirmation of the diagnosis and for treatment. Doctors don’t know exactly why leukemia affects the mouth this way, but some speculate that it could be due to how the disease alters the immune system. Once cancer treatment begins, dental problems can get worse. Chemotherapy alters the blood and makes it harder for your blood to clot, so bleeding becomes a problem, Silverman says. Your mouth may also become more sensitive and it’s more susceptible to infections from bacteria that originate in the mouth, he says. And if someone is experiencing nausea and vomiting due to chemotherapy, the acidity of the vomit in the mouth can cause problems with the teeth. Protecting Your Mouth You can prevent these problems with good dental hygiene, and there are some things you can do to help with a sore or sensitive mouth, Silverman says. Here’s how:

Get dental work before treatment. Because chemotherapy can cause bleeding, it’s best to get any dental work you need before you start treatment, Silverman says. So be sure to keep your dentist informed of your diagnosis and your treatment schedule. At the same time, it’s important to let your physician know about your dental care, Silverman stresses.Keep up with dental appointments during treatment. Continue to see your dentist for cleanings while you have leukemia and during treatment to keep your mouth healthy.Be diligent about brushing and flossing at home. To keep your mouth in tip-top shape, brush and floss in the morning, before bed, and after meals, Silverman says.Use gentle brushes or a sponge. Your mouth will probably bleed more easily during chemotherapy, so use a gentle toothbrush and take care not to cut your gums when you floss. Chemotherapy can also cause a sore and sensitive mouth, called mucositis, which is like having sunburn in your mouth, Silverman explains. It usually happens about four to seven days after treatment. When your mouth becomes too sensitive for your toothbrush, try using dental sponges, which you can buy at a pharmacy, to brush your teeth, Silverman suggests.Use rinses regularly. Silverman also recommends rinsing your mouth during the day with an antiseptic mouth rinse (which you can buy over-the-counter or get through a prescription from a doctor) or with your own solution of warm water and salt or warm water and baking soda. How often you do it depends on how many problems you’re having, Silverman says. If you’re having mouth problems, you may want to rinse your mouth four times a day, including after meals. “It can’t be overdone,” he says.Treat infections promptly. If you do develop an infection in your mouth, be sure to see your doctor and get treated with an antibiotic, Silverman says.

The health of your mouth is something to take seriously when you have leukemia, and staying on top of your dental hygiene can prevent problems like infection.