It got a good-hearted response, and I patted myself on the back for the pun. Then I moved on. Well, little did I know that there is a technique called nerve flossing which may, indeed, help with some of my MS symptoms, if not floss them away from my brain. I have added them to the daily routine of my physiotherapy program, stretching, and other hand exercises. They were offered up as possible help for both hand and finger strength as well as to contend with proprioception issues that have been niggling at me for a while now.

How Proprioception Works

As well as motor-controlling nerves, we have proprioceptor nerves, which help us to know where we are in the three dimensions of space. Through proprioceptor signals that our muscles and joints send back to the brain, we are able to perceive our physical self as it relates to the world around us: Are we standing? Sitting? Bending? Arms raised? Lying on our back, looking up at the sky receiving dog kisses? It’s why a neurological exam includes the bit where we put out our arms in front of us and close our eyes. (I always open them to find my left arm about a foot lower than my right). Proprioception — or, more precisely, lack of proprioception — can also be a major contributor to falls.

Improving Proprioception May Prevent Falls

The flossing exercises with my hands and arms, which I’ll explain below, are only part of those given to me by an occupational therapist in my recent rehabilitation stay in hospital. She also presented me with some yoga-like (or perhaps yoga-based) exercises and stretches aimed at improving proprioception in my feet and legs. This could help me both to get up from falls and to avoid them in the first place. I found a great video of robots doing amazing things, including getting up after falling. This is an electronic version of proprioception. Who knows? If they can teach electronics how to get up off the ground, perhaps that “mental floss” isn’t far away either.

A Hand and Arm Exercise to Try at Home

As promised, here are the hand and arm flossing exercises my OT gave me to improve strength and proprioception. Think of the movements as not dissimilar to the mudras or Asamyuta Hasta (hand gestures) of traditional Indian dance. Sit up with your back and neck straight. With your arms at your side and working with one arm at a time, bend your elbow at a right angle so that your hand is slightly above your face. Hold each of these positions with each hand for 5 to 10 seconds and try to move fluidly between them while “pressing” against the air as you move.

Make a fist using all your fingers.Keeping your wrist straight, extend your fingers halfway, keeping them together, with your thumb to the side of your index finger.Continue extending your fingers until they’re straight (and still together).Bend your wrist and fingers back so your palm faces up.Allow space between your index finger and thumb and, if you can, stretch your wrist a bit further.Stretch all your fingers apart as wide as you comfortably can.Push your elbow out straight so that your arm is extended.Push your hand and arm to the side, feeling a stretch in your biceps muscles.Turn your head the opposite direction of the arm and hand you are working with.Reverse the order of the movements to bring your hand back to the first position.

It will take a bit of getting used to and, if you have fine motor issues or tremor of intention like I do, there will be plenty of reasons to laugh at yourself as well. Wishing you and your family the best of health. Cheers, Trevis