But what happens if you were looking to expand your family with a furry (or feathered) friend? Or, what if you have a dog — does this mean that your reliable companion needs to go to a new home? Here’s what you need to know about pets in the home when your child has eczema. RELATED: What Causes Eczema? The culprit is not the fur but the dander, says Dr. Kaminska. Pet dander, as defined by the American Lung Association, is the tiny skin particles that are shed by animals with fur or feathers. While animals can bring pollen in from the outside via their fur, it’s not the hair itself that usually presents a problem. In addition to dander, bacterial debris from the pet’s saliva can also cause allergy issues, says Sheilagh Maguiness, MD, associate professor, dermatology, and pediatrics at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis and VP of education and career development at the Society for Pediatric Dermatology. RELATED: How Long Does Eczema Last? Despite the fact that it’s the dander and saliva that are the true culprits (not the fur), “eczema is not directly caused by dander contacting the skin. Dermatitis in the skin is due to a delayed hypersensitivity reaction, something that’s commonly misunderstood,” she explains. (If contact with dander is causing hives — big, circular, red welts — this is referred to as an immediate hypersensitivity reaction.) When it comes to this delayed hypersensitivity reaction, what happens is that dander, which is an aeroallergen, triggers allergy symptoms, something that can then result in a flare of eczema, says Maguiness. In this scenario, symptoms occur on the face around the mucous membranes (mouth and eyes). “if your child already has eczema, you have to balance the risk for flares due to the aeroallergens on the overall benefits that having a pet brings to your family,” she says. RELATED: The Best and Worst Dog Breeds for People With Allergies Dr. Maguiness points to a study that randomized more than 1,300 three-month-old infants into a food allergy prevention trial. Published in the European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology in May 2019, the research found that infants who lived with dogs had 90 percent lower odds of developing a food allergy. That study noted that there was no association with pet ownership and atopic dermatitis (the most common form of eczema). Still, all of these diseases fall into what’s called the “atopic triad,” a collection of allergic diseases, including rhinitis, asthma, and eczema that often occur with one another. The research on cats, however, is less clear, says Maguiness. “Some studies show cats may have a protective effect, while others show that it makes them worse,” she explains. RELATED: How to Recognize and Avoid Common Eczema Triggers That said, if your child experiences a lot of facial symptoms during eczema flares (such as around the mouth or eyelids), Maguiness would advise parents to bring their child to an allergist for skin prick testing to see if they are truly sensitized to the pet. Even in that scenario, you can work with an allergist to use antihistamines and minimize your child’s exposure to dander. “There are minimal families who actually need to rehome their dog due to their child’s eczema,” says Maguiness. RELATED: A Detailed Guide for Treating Eczema

Hardwood floors are preferable to carpet, as they’re easier to keep clean and won’t harbor dander like carpet can.Vacuum frequently.Use an air filtration system.Frequently brush your pet, ideally outdoors.Take your pet to the groomer regularly.

RELATED: 8 Hand Eczema Dos and Don’ts for Cleansing Still, if possible, a little planning ahead can only help. “The best time to get a dog is before you have children. It’s also a great first step and practice to becoming a parent,” she says. RELATED: An Essential Guide to Baby Eczema Additional reporting by Regina Boyle Wheeler.