While the protests may pave the way to reform in this country, public health experts and government officials are concerned that the demonstrations could bring on a new wave of novel coronavirus infections. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield told a House Appropriations subcommittee on June 4 that the protests could be a “seeding event,” while Minnesota health commissioner Jan Malcolm has called the rallies “a recipe for spread.” Anthony Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, expressed similar concerns on June 5, calling the protests “the perfect set-up for the spread of the virus.” But some health experts question whether these demonstrations will all turn out to be “super-spreader” events. “A lot of people wear masks, there is a lot of movement in the protests, and they are outdoors, all of which reduce the risk of transmission substantially,” says William Schaffner, MD, an infectious disease specialist and professor of preventive medicine and health policy at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, Tennessee. “Large group gatherings are not what we from a medical perspective recommend at this time, but there are social imperatives here that have brought people out,” Dr. Schaffner adds. “We have to respect that profoundly and try to make the gatherings as safe as possible for everyone.” Dean Winslow, MD, an infectious disease specialist and professor of medicine at Stanford University Medical Center in Palo Alto, California, says that the health impact from the protests may not be known for days or weeks. “It’s too early to tell if the protests will lead to a surge in cases,” he says. “The normal incubation period for the virus is five to seven days but can be up to 14 days.” RELATED: Coronavirus Outbreak: The COVID-19 Pandemic

The Dangers and the Mitigating Factors

SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, is thought to spread mainly through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks, according to the CDC. Demonstrations increase the chances of being exposed to these droplets as people crowd together for extended periods, chanting and shouting at events where both protesters and police officers are not always wearing masks. Social-distancing measures, which involve staying six feet away from other people, can minimize infection risk, says the CDC, but that is not easy to do at a demonstration. “I have attended a few of the protests and I will totally concede that it’s very hard to keep your distance — these are really kind of fast-moving situations,” says Kumi Smith, PhD, an assistant professor in the division of epidemiology and community health at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. “You can’t really tell other people what to do, you can only really control your own movements.” While transmission risk is lower outdoors, Dr. Smith notes that some protestors who are arrested end up inside police vans and processing facilities. “I’m not sure how much protection they’re getting,” she says. RELATED: Boxed In: ‘The Lasting Effects of Trauma During COVID-19’

Protesters Are Being Urged to Get Tested

At a news briefing recently, Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms warned demonstrators, “If you were out protesting last night, you probably need to go get a COVID test this week because there’s still a pandemic in America that’s killing black and brown people at higher numbers.” The Minnesota Department of Health posted a tweet on June 3 urging those who have attended a protest, vigil, or community cleanup to get tested for COVID-19. The agency writes, “If you start to feel sick, get tested right away. If you do not feel sick, get tested as soon as you can, but no later than five to seven days after the event.” The point is to find out fast if you are carrying the virus so as not to spread it to others, or to get treatment early on if you do show symptoms. Minnesota wants people to err on the side of caution. Even if a protestor tests negative but thinks he or she may have been exposed, the health department advises to “get another test 12 to 14 days after the event, even if you do not feel sick.” RELATED: Your COVID-19 Testing Guide: Nasal-Swab Tests, Antibody Tests, Saliva Tests, and More

Protecting Yourself While Protesting

Jennifer Horney, PhD, professor of epidemiology and core faculty with the Disaster Research Center at the University of Delaware in Newark, says there are many ways people can reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission if attending a protest. Most of these measures correspond with suggestions already put forth by the CDC: Wear a mask and try to keep six feet of distance between yourself and others. Dr. Horney advises carrying water and sanitizer to keep hands germ-free. An article published June 1 in The Lancet suggested that these simple acts can make a big difference. “Also, try to stay with a small group of people known to you and keep the number of contacts as low as possible,” Horney says. Maintaining a safe distance from others who are talking loudly or chanting without a mask can help keep the virus at bay. “Speaking loudly is fairly efficient for generating small particle aerosols,” says Dr. Winslow. “Face coverings don’t completely prevent them from being airborne but they do a pretty good job. It’s respect to your fellow protestors that you wear a face covering during these demonstrations.” RELATED: What People With Heart Disease Need to Know About COVID-19 The coronavirus has also taken a great toll on African Americans, many of whom have other health issues that can make COVID-19-related illness even worse. In Minneapolis, for instance, African Americans have accounted for a third of all COVID-19 infections, yet they make up less than one-fifth of the population, according to Politico. “COVID-19 and the shutdown have taken a heavy toll on the black community because they are our frontline workers, they are the least insured, and they are often the least healthy,” says Smith. “The black community is out there in force and necessarily, but it may create a double whammy for that community as they suffer the indignities of racism and also, possibly higher COVID-19 mortality. I think it really behooves white allies to try to be out there in the full force that they can muster safely.”