Age: 61 Condition: Multiple sclerosis (MS) How long I’ve been living with this condition: 38 years I was first diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) in the summer of 1981. My first symptoms were numbness and weakness that spread down my right side, starting at my rib cage and eventually going all the way to my feet. In the past 10 years I have developed spasticity in my hip flexors, which my doctor told me was not an MS flare-up but a result of the damage that has already been done. This finally got to the point where I was unable to straighten my body, and I had to crawl on the floor. I ended up in the hospital on physical therapy for two weeks and then had a baclofen pump implanted. I have been trying to get my strength back to be able to walk better and function as independently as possible in my daily life. MS Workouts has been a tool that is a next step after physical therapy for me. I have hope that I will be able to get back to walking without a walker, but even if I don’t, the workouts give me the strength I need to live my best life.

What Is MS Workouts?

MS Workouts is an online exercise, or “telefitness,” service that provides classes, programs, and more than 100 slow-motion, low-impact, high-intensity exercises designed to safely and effectively increase muscular strength and overall body functionality for those living with multiple sclerosis. Each exercise is designed by Tina Warring, director of physical therapy at Central Texas Neurology Consultants, in Roundrock, Texas. MS Workouts provides modified exercises to allow for the entire spectrum of MS symptoms. No one is left behind, including people who currently use a wheelchair or walker.

Here’s What Happened When I Tried It

I have benefited immensely from MS Workouts. When I started the program six months ago, I was unable to pull up my pants without holding onto a grab bar with one hand. Now I am able to stand up and use both hands to pull up my pants. For me, this is not a trivial matter. I can get ready faster and even use a regular bathroom stall when an accessible one is not available. This really makes a difference in my quality of life. I am looking forward to getting stronger and benefiting even more.

2 Things I Particularly Like About MS Workouts

I love the fact that I can use this service in the comfort of my home but still have the encouragement of others who are using the program. Another thing that I enjoy is the feedback and help I receive from the trainers, helping me to do the exercises correctly and suggesting which exercises are appropriate for my specific needs. With the help of the service, I have been able to put together a program to build my strength using four 30-minute workouts a week. The standing workouts can be done two or three times a week, but the seated workouts separate the upper body and lower body with two sessions each per week. I think this helps me get more out of the exercise without getting too exhausted. There is also a list of stretches to help reduce spasticity, which is a big problem for me.

1 Thing I Initially Disliked About the Service

The only thing that I did not initially like about the service was that I had to click outside the exercise page to record my progress. Now they have upgraded the service so that I can see the exercise and record my progress all on the same page. This has made it much easier to keep track of how I am doing and to make the most of my workouts!

The Bottom Line

This is a great service for anyone who wants to get stronger, whether or not they have MS. I highly recommend it!

Other Ways I Manage My MS

In addition to MS Workouts, I also go to yoga twice a week and folding-chair fitness four days a week. I found that juicing worked very well to help me heal from a flare-up, so nutrition continues to be a big focus for me in overcoming the effects of this disease. These are the therapies that have kept me moving all these years.