The disease belongs to a group of conditions called inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). There’s no cure for Crohn’s disease, but there are many treatments to help manage its symptoms. Ileitis This form of Crohn’s disease affects only the ileum. Crohn’s Colitis Also known as granulomatous colitis, this form of the disease affects only the colon. Gastroduodenal Crohn’s Disease This form of the disease affects both the stomach and the beginning of the small intestine (duodenum). Your symptoms will depend on what areas of your bowel are affected, as well as how advanced your disease is and how well your treatments are working. Most people with Crohn’s disease experience inflammation in both their small intestine and their large intestine (colon), which often causes diarrhea and abdominal pain or cramping. Other common digestive symptoms include rectal bleeding, nausea or loss of appetite, an urgent need to defecate, and constipation. Crohn’s disease can also cause weight loss, fatigue, and symptoms outside the digestive system, like joint pain, red or itchy eyes, and inflamed or bumpy skin. Learn More About Crohn’s Disease Symptoms Experts believe a combination of genetic and environmental factors contribute to a person’s risk for the disease. Some risk factors for Crohn’s disease include: During a physical exam, a physician will check for bloating, swelling, and painful or tender spots in your abdomen. Additional tests are often needed to diagnose Crohn’s disease and may include: blood tests, stool tests, colonoscopy, upper GI (gastrointestinal) endoscopy, wireless capsule endoscopy, and imaging tests like X-rays and computerized tomography (CT) scans. Learn More About Crohn’s Disease Symptoms and Diagnosis If a flare is left untreated, it can cause lasting complications and permanent damage, so it’s important to work with your doctor on a treatment plan. For an individual with Crohn’s a period of time with no symptoms is called remission, which can last for several days, weeks, and even years. The goal of treatment for Crohn’s disease is to achieve and maintain remission. Learn More About Crohn’s Disease Flares Some of these drugs are meant to prevent flares of your disease — periods in which your symptoms return or worsen. Others are prescribed to reduce inflammation and treat symptoms when a flare takes place. You may also be prescribed antibiotics to treat symptoms or complications due to a bacterial infection. For most people with Crohn’s disease, a time will come when medication alone won’t be enough, and surgery will be required. Surgical treatments may include removing a diseased area of the intestines, opening a narrowed or blocked area, or even removing the entire colon. Most surgical treatments allow people with Crohn’s to live symptom-free for a number of years. Alternative therapies can also help to reduce symptoms and maintain remission. Research shows that supplements like probiotics can reduce the duration of flares. Learn More About Treatments for Crohn’s Disease

How Can Your Diet Affect Crohn’s Disease?

There’s no single diet that helps all people with Crohn’s disease. You may find that making certain dietary changes helps reduce uncomfortable symptoms during flares, such as bloating, gas, and diarrhea. Foods that commonly trigger symptoms include certain whole grains, nuts and seeds, raw fruits and vegetables, spicy foods, fatty or greasy foods, dairy products, and caffeinated or alcoholic beverages. If you experience malnutrition due to Crohn’s disease, you may also need to focus on getting enough of certain nutrients in your diet. When your symptoms are at their worst, it’s often helpful to focus on easy to digest meals and snacks. Learn More About Diet For Crohn’s Disease Most of these complications affect the digestive system, but some may take place in other areas of the body. One common digestive complication is an intestinal blockage, which happens when inflammation causes scar tissue to build up and narrow an area of the intestines. Other digestive complications may include tears in your anus, pockets of infection, malnutrition, and even colon cancer. People with Crohn’s have an elevated risk for certain mild liver problems, including fatty liver disease, hepatitis, and primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), a condition characterized by inflammation to the bile duct system of the liver. Less commonly, Crohn’s disease can cause complications in other areas of the body, such as mouth, joint, skin, and eye problems. It can also cause problems during pregnancy. Learn More About Crohn’s Disease Complications Men and women are equally likely to be affected. It’s also important not to confuse an irritable bowel disease like Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The two conditions sound similar and even share some of the same symptoms but are very different. While scientists are working to better understand the exact cause of IBD, it’s generally believed that the body mistakes normal bacteria in the gut for an enemy. As a result of the body’s natural defenses, this causes chronic inflammation of the digestive tract. In contrast, there are no physical changes to the digestive system with IBS. At the same time, you may have questions about the best way to treat or manage your disease, or wonder if you could benefit from participating in a clinical trial. Fortunately, a number of resources are available for information, emotional support, and even amusement related to Crohn’s disease. Check out our list of websites, organizations, articles, and blogs related to Crohn’s. You can learn more about your treatment options, read about other people’s experiences with Crohn’s, and find out more about getting involved in research or advocacy. Learn More About Crohn’s Disease Resources And, doctors recommend that people with inflammatory bowel diseases receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Talk to your doctor to see if you also need a COVID-19 booster shot. There are a number of resources available to help people with Crohn’s manage these difficult times — from medication assistance to telehealth appointments to virtual therapy for mental health. Learn More About Crohn’s and COVID-19 Additional reporting by Jordan M. Davidson.