The result? “Your body slowly heats up in an infrared sauna, and you may not start sweating until the end of the session, which [may] last from 30 to 40 minutes [or more],” she explains. Depending on the type of sauna that you’re in, it typically works up to a temperature of 140 to 145 degrees F.

Far-Infrared Therapy

This type of infrared therapy incorporates the far-infrared wavelengths, which deeply penetrate the skin. Infrared lights do not have a color, because they are not visible light. Far-infrared therapy is also called “dry sauna bathing.” The benefits described in this story are documented in research on far-infrared sauna bathing.

Near-Infrared Therapy

Also called photobiomodulation therapy, or PBMT, this type of infrared therapy uses near-infrared wavelengths to promote healing. This therapy uses sources in the visible light and near-infrared spectrum to regenerate tissue, improve wound healing and circulation, and lessen pain and inflammation, according to the American Society for Laser Medicine & Surgery. PBMT may be administered via wearable units that are localized to the affected area, rather than a full-body walk-in sauna.

Full Spectrum Infrared Therapy

This type of infrared therapy incorporates all ranges of infrared wavelengths.


This type of therapy adds colored lights to an infrared sauna, with the idea that certain colors provoke different body responses and benefits.

What’s the Difference Between Red Light Therapy and Infrared Sauna Therapy?

Infrared and red light are not the same thing. Red light therapy is a different type of therapy that uses low wavelength light (LED) to treat sun damaged skin, scarring and wound healing, psoriasis, rosacea, and eczema, according to the Cleveland Clinic. While this can be done in a doctor’s office, you can also purchase red light therapy devices to use at home, such as to support healthy skin aging. Infrared heat is not associated with a specific light color, says Simms. But many people also use chromotherapy — or colored lights — for additional health benefits. These lights lie on the visible spectrum (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet) and are all different wavelengths, which is said to treat medical conditions, according to a review published in January 2021 in the International Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine. If chromotherapy is used in an infrared sauna session, it’s for an added benefit. Here’s a look at what more recent research suggests infrared sauna may be able to do for your health.

1. May Support Heart Health in Certain Populations

Another research review, published in August 2018 in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, explains the potential connection between saunas and heart health. The authors concluded that sauna bathing, including infrared sauna use, may reduce blood pressure, improve blood vessel function, reduce inflammation, and calm the nervous system, among other changes. What’s more, the heart’s reaction to sauna bathing may also be akin to walking, something that strengthens the heart and is recommended for people who have heart failure.

2. May Be Useful to Boost Exercise Benefits

Studies on the use of infrared sauna and exercise recovery are not consistent across the board. Other past research found that well-trained runners who performed a simulated trail-running race recovered better and faster when they used cryotherapy (cold therapy) than with far-infrared or no therapy.

3. May Lower Stress Levels

There’s no doubt that stepping into an infrared sauna feels good for most people. And for certain groups of people, it may also do more. A small past study looked at mildly depressed people who were treated for 15 minutes once a day for five days in a far-infrared sauna and then told to lie in bed for 30 minutes. Over four weeks they reported fewer physical complaints (such as discomfort and pain that’s viewed as mentally distressing), more relaxation, and an improvement in appetite compared with the control group. The authors theorized that thermal therapy is sedating (boosting relaxation) and may have an effect on the nervous system, triggering the “chill and calm” parasympathetic nervous system. A change in appetite is one symptom of depression, and this study also indicates that infrared sauna use may impact hunger hormones in a positive way. Another small study, published in September 2020 in the Korean Journal of Family Medicine, concluded that infrared sauna use among 38 obese individuals improved their quality of life (something that other research has shown is lower in folks with a higher BMI). In the study, participants sat in an infrared sauna for 15 minutes and rested in room temp air for 30 minutes twice a day for four consecutive days. After the four days, those taking infrared saunas reported less pain and discomfort, as well as less anxiety and depression. An infrared sauna is a warm, quiet space with nothing to distract you, which could also potentially be a factor in its therapeutic benefits, in addition to the actual infrared exposure. It can trigger your relaxation response to decrease stress, says Simms. One caveat, says Simms: You won’t get this benefit if you go in there and scroll social media or answer emails on your phone. As a review published in April 2018 in Evidence-Based Alternative and Complementary Medicine points out, sauna bathing might release endorphins, strongly support you to stop and practice mindfulness, reduce stress and improve relaxation, and can simply give you a break in your day for self-care that’s psychologically beneficial. “People come out feeling really energized. An infrared sauna session can be invigorating,” says Simms.

4. May Help Decrease Discomfort in Inflammatory and Pain Conditions

A small amount of research has suggested that those with inflammatory conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, may benefit from infrared sauna therapy, which has been found to lessen pain and stiffness, concludes the aforementioned review in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, which looked at the results of four studies specific to rheumatological diseases. One of these past studies, published in Clinical Rheumatology, concluded that people with rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis who used infrared therapy eight times over a four-week period had less pain, stiffness, and fatigue over the short-term, though these differences were small. In addition, that same review looked at two randomized controlled trials of people with chronic pain disorders who used infrared therapy. One randomized controlled trial published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that using the sauna for eight weeks helped people with chronic tension headaches reduce headache intensity by 44 percent. The authors theorized that some of the effect could be from the relaxation response, which may decrease activity of the sympathetic nervous system, responsible for the fight-or-flight response. Another small past trial with 46 participants found that people with a chronic pain disorder had improvements in mood and were more likely to return to work after practicing sauna bathing. Finally, a pilot study published in Internal Medicine evaluated 10 people with chronic fatigue syndrome who sat in a far-infrared sauna for 15 minutes and then lay in a bed under a blanket for 30 minutes once a day, five days a week for four weeks found that the therapy helped reduce pain after treatment and improved mood. The authors theorized that this therapy may have worked by reducing the oxidative stress that may play a role in symptoms; the warmth was also likely relaxing, contributing to a boost in mood. It is dangerous to consume alcohol in the sauna, however, according to the above study in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, as this can be taxing on your heart and can lead to accidental burns. In addition, other side effects tend to be mild and include feeling uncomfortable in the heat, light-headedness, and claustrophobia. You can always leave your session early if you do not feel well. People who are pregnant should avoid exposing their body to high temperatures, and should therefore stay out of saunas, notes the American Pregnancy Association. If you are breastfeeding, check with your ob-gyn or professional healthcare provider first.

1. Aim to Do It Regularly

The benefits of infrared sauna don’t happen in a single session. (Research looked at multiple sessions done weekly over the course of several weeks or months.) One time will give you an indication of whether or not you like it, but going regularly and consistently is what’s needed for results, says Simms. She recommends scheduling two to three sessions per week for at least a month and then assess if you find it enjoyable and helpful to your health and wellness routine.

2. Schedule Before Exercise

Though this type of sauna therapy can deliver moderate results similar to exercise, it’s not the most effective form of physical activity, as it does not increase respiratory rates or improve heart function the way moderate-intensity exercise does, notes a small study on 10 women published in March 2022 in Complementary Therapies in Medicine. But infrared sauna use does literally warm your body. So, one great use for infrared is as a warmup before a workout. “It’s like walking before a run,” Simms says.

3. Drink Up

Stay hydrated by drinking water or an electrolyte beverage before, during, and after your session, recommends Simms.

4. Consider Leaving Clothes Behind (if You’re Comfortable)

The idea is for the infrared light to penetrate your skin, so the more skin exposed the better, says Simms. If you feel comfortable, you can go fully unclothed and sit on a towel. If not, you’ll still get the benefits. Your comfort is most important (otherwise you might not want to go back).

5. Put Your Phone Away

If you’re one to check your email in any circumstance, including in an infrared sauna, leave it outside. Why? You may be able to get more of the stress-busting benefits of the therapy. Research shows that people who limit their email use have lower daily stress, which improves mood. Instead of “making the most of your time,” try to sit quietly and breathe deeply, says Simms.

6. Try to Enjoy the Sweat

When you first start infrared sauna therapy, it might take a while for you to start sweating. After a few sessions, you will start to sweat more easily as your body becomes more acclimated to the heat, says Simms. (When the body is heat acclimated, it starts to sweat sooner and more profusely when heated, since sweat is a cooldown response.)

Best Podcasts

Summit for Wellness Podcast With Bryan Carroll This podcast dives into the different wavelengths of light and the science behind how infrared light acts on your cells, and focuses on the specific benefits of near-infrared saunas.

Best Practitioner Directories

The Institute for Functional Medicine Their “Find a Practitioner” tool can help you locate a doctor who practices functional medicine if you’re interested in whether or how therapies like infrared sauna can treat your health condition. Seeking this second opinion can be extremely helpful if your current provider is not comfortable with complementary medicine. University of Arizona Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine The center offers a directory of practitioners who have completed their Fellowship in Integrative Medicine or Integrative Health and Lifestyle programs. These healthcare practitioners can be found throughout the country. You can also search by specialty.

Best Books

The Finnish Way: Finding Courage, Wellness, and Happiness Through the Power of Sisu This book, by Katja Pantzar, is a general look into Finnish wellness practices, which includes saunas, as a tool to promote overall happiness and well-being. You can use this read as a jumping off point to develop other habits that bring you joy and a sense of relaxation and balance.